Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Woman with a plan

I have wanted to try my hand* at erotica for years. As the product of a venerable New England liberal arts college, my creative juices were directed into other fields. Now I’m (almost) out, and I have the time and energy to try my hand at something new. And boy, am I ready for a fresh start.

I doubt any publishers will be interested in seeing my early experiments with smut, so here’s the deal: I’ll post most of the stories I write for free. I get feedback, you get free smut of gradually increasing quality, and some day I manage to create something marketable. I'll put some of my longer pieces up in the Amazon Kindle store for the lowest possible price, to see if anyone's interested in buying what I have to offer. I'll also be submitting the pieces I'm proudest of to anthologies and magazines.

For the first few months, I’ll probably be all over the map. Expect straight couples, gay couples, bisexual liaisons, massive writhing heaps of people, fetish stories, vanilla stories, stories with sprinkles on top, whatever. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail at PersephoneRouet@gmail.com if there’s any genre you’d like to see me try. As I find a niche I’m comfortable with and stop uploading stories I wrote before starting this blog, things will get less haphazard.

* I’ve been trying my hand at erotica for quite some time now, if you know what I mean. But I’d like to make an attempt at writing it for once.