Friday, February 17, 2012

Some clever fellow has redefined Romney, and the term is already the third hit on Google (after Mitt Romney's own site and his wikipedia page). The definition will probably never be as popular as the now-infamous Santorum, but we'll see if the site shoots to the top of Google after the primaries are over and Mittens is the Republican nominee.

The new definition of santorum has been called a "Google bomb" or a "hack," but it was actually a clever and completely legitimate way of using Google's search algorithm. I found a great article that explains why the new definition won out. These last few months have been a crash course in SEO for me, so it's fascinating to see how powerful the right techniques can be when you want to get your message out.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ChaCha all night long

I recently heard about ChaCha, a search engine/chat bot combo that seems to be trying to compete with Apple's Siri. When I found out that the company had a little racist, misogynistic bigot problem, I had to see how it would answer my pressing sex questions.

This type of search engine can produce some strange results because it's hard to program a computer that's as intuitive as a human. It looks like the company's handling that problem by having humans input answers into a data bank (hence the occasionally awkward answers about religion and sexuality). When you throw the computer a curve ball it hasn't seen before, it sometimes pulls the wrong answer out of the bank because it thinks you were trying to ask a different question. Here's a sampling of unintentionally awesome answers from ChaCha:

Should I have sex

My advice is this: wait as long as you can. Sex complicates things, but it is very enjoyable for those who have found a safe relationship. Mostly it depends on age. When the time is right you will know. ChaCha!

A slightly conservative answer, but not an egregious one. Good job playing it safe, ChaCha.

Should I have gay sex

If that's what you are into then go ahead. Be safe! Keep ChaCha'ing!

Apparently gay relationships require less caution. Ok, ChaCha, I'll do that!

Should I have phone sex

Phone sex is a type of virtual sex that refers to sexually explicit conversation between two or more persons via telephone. If you are uncomfortable with phone you should not do it.

I am uncomfortable with phone! What should I do?

Should I have kinky sex

of course , those are always fun, thanks for using cha cha !!!!